Neil faces disaster and David comes clean.
Mike buys Darrell a drink, in return for his help last week. Darrell’s grateful for the work, and wishes his daughter Rosa could find some too.
Having discovered the state of the shower room tiling after Joe and Bert’s drunken efforts, Neil’s in need of a drink. Mike and Darrell go round to see the devastation. Neil is grateful when Darrell offers to help Neil put it right – as a neighbourly gesture without payment. Mike offers Darrell some part time work for Rosa at the dairy.
David confides in Oliver that he’s looking into selling the herd. He’s sought advice elsewhere without Ruth’s knowledge because she’s so against the idea, but wants Oliver’s clear, objective view. Seeing the figures, Oliver agrees it’s a dilemma. He appreciates the pressure David’s under, but doesn’t think he should drive himself into the ground over a promise he made to Phil to keep Brookfield a mixed family farm. Oliver doesn’t have the solution but advises David to keep talking to Ruth.
As the new sign goes up at Ambridge Organics, Tom worries about the launch. He’s relived when Brenda confirms that celebrity chef Shelly Brazil will be coming. She’s bringing a Borsetshire Life photographer too. That’s wonderful publicity.
Listen: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b01bb7k0
Episode written by Joanna Toye
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