Tuesday 1 May 2012

Review: Jesus H. Foxx

Jesus H. Foxx - Endless Knocking (Song, by Toad Records)
Don't be fooled by the moniker. This isn’t a single singer-songwriter with a bag of tunes. This is a full-blown, seven-piece band, making ragged, edgy music, simultaneously dissonant and enchanting, with a maudlin vocal that fits perfectly. This mix of 'stripped down and rebuilt' songs and music draw you in, have their way with you, and then quite casually let you know that this could become a regular thing between band and listener. 

The tunes have the same hazy approach as a walk back from the local pub on a sunny afternoon, where you think something nasty this way comes, and it turns out to be nothing more than a shambolic frolic on the footpath. To their credit they also do melancholy rather well, like their Scottish forbears Arab Strap, when "Twins (Reprise)" and the body of music within "J + J" emerge towards the end of the album. These songs show that they have more depth than you may have given them credit for. So, less a one-trick pony and more a frisky colt, ready and willing to join the race.
Kev A.

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