Monday 7 May 2012

The Archers: 6/05/2012


Usha puts her foot in it. Meanwhile Alice has to change her plans.

Amy tells Usha that Carl's dumped her. Usha consoles her; men like Carl can be very plausible. Amy asks what she means. When she finds out Carl's married she's horrified. But what angers her more is that Usha knew. Why on earth didn't she tell her? Usha apologises, saying she was in a quandary. She admits she wasn't sure if Amy herself knew or not. This is the last straw for Amy. Does Usha think she'd knowingly see a married man? How could she think such a thing? Amy storms out.

Meanwhile unsuspecting Alice chats to Alan about what a brilliant time Amy had in Bristol. Later Alice receives a distress call from Amy. Can she come over?

Amy wonders if Carl has split up with his wife. He was so caring. She just can't believe it. Alice tries gently to encourage her to accept the truth. Even so, Amy says she can never forgive Usha.

Alan's just as appalled as Amy over Usha's confession. He accuses Usha of not knowing Amy at all. He's distraught. There's never been a time when Amy couldn't talk to him about her problems. He blames Usha for Amy's withdrawal, and leaves. He needs time alone to think and pray.

Episode written by Caroline Harrington

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