Hoffsommer – Playing With Myself (Independent)

From what I can ascertain, and there’s probably a
clue in the title, “Playing With Myself” is a genuine solo effort. Things are
kept pretty simple throughout its 14 tracks, with guitars dominating, though
drums and bass make occasional appearances. Above all the album is a showcase
for Hoffsommer’s songwriting and musicianship, and he makes good use of the
opportunity, though interestingly, the first track that makes the listener sit
up and take note is a version of the traditional standard “I Know You Rider”. It’s
a song that’s been recorded many times since it was discovered in the ‘30s,
though perhaps it’s the multitude of Grateful Dead live versions that will be
most familiar. Hoffsommer’s take is also recorded live, and is slow and gentle,
and quite restrained. Almost lo-fi, it’s no less enjoyable for that.
Instrumentals litter the collection. Tracks like “Blind Side” and “No One Home (Uninhabited Man)”
indicate a prowess on both the acoustic and electric guitars, and musically he’s
just a good when he brings along a song to sing, though he’s no great vocalist
and the production is decidedly limited. Still, there’s much to like and I’m
looking forward to hearing what he comes up with next.
Rob F.
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