David finds that appearances can be deceptive. Meanwhile Mike defends the honour of the Tuckers.
Joe and Jim discuss the saplings in the community orchard, which have got off to a good start.
Mike arrives and accuses Jim of fancying Vicky and making sleazy remarks to her. When Jim realises what he’s referring to, he apologises for any misunderstanding. He certainly didn’t mean to insult Vicky. Mike won’t let it go, and even Joe’s had enough. He defends Jim and insists that he’d never insult a lady. Mike admits he’ll have to take Jim’s word that it was just a genuine compliment.
David’s been milking at Bridge Farm. Tom’s insisting that they pay Pip if she carries on helping them. The consultant arrives to discuss the new slurry tank. David and Ruth are surprised at how young she seems but Lisa knows her stuff, and agrees that their proposal for autumn calving is a workable and practical way forward. She’ll work on a business plan for the bank, to include a new slurry tank.
After giving them details of a farm which is already autumn calving, Lisa leaves David and Ruth feeling optimistic. Ruth recognises this isn’t the end, though. David agrees, but thinks it’s maybe the end of the beginning.
Episode written by Joanna Toye
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