There's a full house at Ambridge Hall. Meanwhile has Tony bitten off more than he can chew?
David has been phoning around, warning farm watch members to be extra vigilant since the recent theft.
Meanwhile, Tony has slept in. Pat agrees with guilty Tom that Tony's feeling the strain a bit. She knows Tony won't admit it though, as he's been feeling useful again. Tom suggests that Tony eases back into milking gently. Tony reluctantly accepts this, volunteering to do more in the office.
Martin Sykes from the planning committee tells Pat that Brian's DVD has gone to every councillor on the committee. It's full of shots of cows outside in a field grazing, and sounds like gross misrepresentation. Pat's keen to see Ruth's copy. Tom suggests she speaks to Hattie Marshall (Borsetshire Against Factory Farming), who's going to speak at the meeting. Good thinking, says Pat.
Lynda's pleased that the B&B is booked up to next Sunday, until she and Robert get a distress call. Leonie has left James suddenly and is on her way to Ambridge Hall. It transpires Leonie has taken a week's leave, with her own flat occupied, and so could be around for a little while. Over tea, she's comforted by Lynda, and wonders why she always seems to pick the wrong men.
Episode written by Caroline Harrington
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