Monday 16 January 2012

The Archers: 15/1/2012


Pip is full of enthusiasm. Meanwhile Brenda slaves over a hot stove.

Pip’s identified potential new outlets for Hassett Hills. David is not convinced they’d profit by turning discarded fleeces into luxury items but is otherwise impressed with her research, and thinks her tutor will be too. Pip’s eager to make it work in the real world. Her plan involves creating a celebrity lamb, with its own Facebook and Twitter pages. David offers to talk to Bill Oldfield, Hassett Hills’ chairman, to suggest she presents her proposals at the next meeting.

Pip asks if they’ve decided on a new slurry tank. To afford it they’d have to make the cows pay, so Ruth’s considering another look at the New Zealand system. The lower costs might balance the lower output. But it would mean expanding the herd, which would use more grazing. Pip’s dismayed that then the sheep would probably have to go. David and Ruth insist nothing’s settled yet

Brenda’s chosen her favourite ready meals: spicy meatballs, lasagne, stir-fry and pork cobbler. Tom agrees. He’s delivered business cards to Jaxx with both websites on them, ready for Farmhouse Breakfast Week. They should help spread the word. Tom reckons

Brenda’s definitely earned her snowboarding birthday treat on Saturday. It’s just a taster though. Once the business is back on its feet, he’ll take her somewhere wonderful.


Episode written by Carolyn Sally Jones

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